
An exploration in texture.

In Aromatherapy, scents and aromas are described in tones.

In ancient Greece, the first doctor-demigod Asclepius was revered as a great healer who descended from the god Apollo. It was rumored that he could even bring someone back from the dead. This caused people to come from all around to seek pilgrimage from him, learn his ways, and even build temples — called asclepeions — to practice dream therapy and heal the patrons.

Music is also tonal description, but music has always been seen as something for entertainment purposes only. Well, folks, we have seen the dawning of the Age of Aquarius, and music these days should be allowed into the Healing Temples…

In ancient days….

Both herbaceous plants and rhythmic music have influenced tribal societies of natives and indigenous peoples for centuries. The incantation of hypnotic music and use of herbal remedies to heal in ceremonies have been the subject of many anthropological studies for a number of decades.